Lady Mystery

Cavespiders a Survey


The term Cave Spiders refers simply to web spiders (Araneae) that preferably live in caves.

What exactly are web spiders? Web spiders represent only one out of 11 arachnid orders; together they form the subclass Arachnida. Other common arachnids are scorpions, daddy longlegs, mites and ticks. The typical feature of web spiders is their ability to produce silk. Their prey is usually bitten and paralyzed by an injection of poison.

Spiders have different ways to go after their prey and not all of them are suited to be successful in caves. For instance, jumping spiders hunt visually and are dependent on daylight. Spiders that live exclusively in caves are called troglobiont, those who are found both inside and outside of caves are troglophil,and those who are caught occasionally in caves as stray animals are referred to as trogloxene.